How to fill your slow, mindful yoga classes and turn your students into dedicated practitioners
Even if you've tried other strategies and you sometimes get treated like a second rate teacher because you don't teach the hot, sweaty stuff.
How to fill your slow, mindful yoga classes and turn your students into dedicated practitioners
Even if you've tried other strategies and you sometimes get treated like a second rate teacher because you don't teach the hot, sweaty stuff.
Frustrated because your slow, mindful classes are too small? You know your stuff, you have great skills, but people go to other classes because they want fast, sweaty yoga.

And you don't know what to do to turn that around?

Are you:
  • Frustrated that you can't explain to your students the value of what you teach beyond...“it’s really good for relaxing."?
  • Sick of not being able to communicate that slow, mindful practices are invaluable to your students’ (or potential students’) health? Especially when many of them are suffering with chronic problems and you know you can help?
  • Wondering how to turn the tide against the widely held notion that yoga is only for fitness, when, in fact, slow, mindful yoga has very different benefits... and results.
  • Tired of fielding patronizing comments like “This class is obviously for beginners,” or “I graduated from this stuff a long time ago,” or even “Do you also teach real yoga?”
Frustrated because your slow, mindful classes are too small? You know your stuff, you have great skills, but people go to other classes because they want fast, sweaty yoga.

And you don't know what to do to turn that around?

Are you:
  • Frustrated that you can't explain to your students the value of what you teach beyond...“it’s really good for relaxing."?
  • Sick of not being able to communicate that slow, mindful practices are invaluable to your students’ (or potential students’) health? Especially when many of them are suffering with chronic problems and you know you can help?
  • Wondering how to turn the tide against the widely held notion that yoga is only for fitness, when, in fact, slow, mindful yoga has very different benefits... and results.
  • Tired of fielding patronizing comments like “This class is obviously for beginners” or “I graduated from this stuff a long time ago,” or even “Do you also teach real yoga?”

Have you been stuck on the yoga fitness treadmill when you’d prefer to teach slower, more mindful practices and help transform your students’ lives and their health? Many people are suffering with chronic health challenges and you know that what you teach - slow, mindful, holistic yoga - could really help. 

Have you been stuck on the yoga fitness treadmill when you’d prefer to teach slower, more mindful practices and help transform your students’ lives and their health? Many people are suffering with chronic health challenges and you know that what you teach - slow, mindful, holistic yoga - could really help. 

The value of what you teach
If you are a teacher of slow, mindful yoga practices you may have already resigned yourself to not being offered good time slots, to having fewer students, and to the idea that not many people “get” what you teach or see the value of slower yoga. You may feel frustrated trying to get students to value what you teach or to prioritize spending time with you. It may seem like the whole culture will need to change before your classes fill up.
Time + Money
You’re busy and it can be expensive and time-consuming to fit in live trainings, or read books and research articles so that you can better explain to your students the true value of what you teach.

On the bandwagon...
I started teaching yoga when it was still considered a little weird. And then, when the vinyasa fitness trend hit in the 90s, I tried to hop on the bandwagon. I felt like I had to give the people what they wanted! But vinyasa was hot and I, definitely, was not.

Students wanted workout yoga. They had been convinced by the fitness industry that the only valuable practice was one that made them sweat. So I just resigned myself to having smaller classes and a smaller following.
The value of what you teach
If you are a teacher of slow, mindful yoga practices you may have already resigned yourself to not being offered good time slots, to having fewer students, and to the idea that not many people “get” what you teach or see the value of slower yoga. You may feel frustrated trying to get students to value what you teach or to prioritize spending time with you. It may seem like the whole culture will need to change before your classes fill up.
Time + Money
You’re busy and it can be expensive and time-consuming to fit in live trainings, or read books and research articles so that you can better explain to your students the true value of what you teach.

On the bandwagon...
I started teaching yoga when it was still considered a little weird. And then, when the vinyasa fitness trend hit in the 90s, I tried to hop on the bandwagon. I felt like I had to give the people what they wanted! But vinyasa was hot and I, definitely, was not.

Students wanted workout yoga. They had been convinced by the fitness industry that the only valuable practice was one that made them sweat. So I just resigned myself to having smaller classes and a smaller following.
But, even when I’d resigned myself to small classes, people kept coming. They were showing up exhausted, stressed out, frustrated and tired.

They sheepishly admitted they didn't want to work out. They were coming to my classes to replenish their energy.

And they started telling me why. 

Slow practice was doing something for them. It helped them reduce pain, sleep better, gain greater ease of movement, more flexibility and strength, a calmer nervous system, a better relationship with their body, a stronger mind, a deeper connection to their spirituality, use less alcohol and drugs, or medication, and more.

I intuitively knew these were related to the incredible health benefits of slow practice but I realized that I didn’t have the tools I needed to quickly get new students fully onboard.

So, I narrowed it down to 2 critical things I was missing:

1 - The science behind the health benefits of slow yoga; and
2 - How to explain and convince students of the benefits

I set out to uncover the science and develop key talking points. It took me YEARS! Years of painstaking work to curate the research and craft my message. But I did it. I figured it out. And it has been totally worth all that work.

I’ve been able to expand my business and build a solid following of yoga teachers, health professionals, and students who understand the value of slow movement and are passionate advocates of my particular brand, which I call “Subtle Yoga.” 

My students totally get it. They’ve transformed their lives and they’re helping others do the same.  

So now my mission is to share these tools with you so that you can easily and effectively differentiate yourself from “fitness yoga” and share the convincing science behind these practices.
Being able to transform the lives of my students because I understand how slow, mindful practice can benefit fatigue, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, body image, weight management and 
many other chronic health challenges AND how to explain all that convincingly, has been my greatest reward. 
The expansion of my business and following was a welcome side effect! I'd love to explain to you a little of my story. 
But, even when I’d resigned myself to small classes, people kept coming. They were showing up exhausted, stressed out, frustrated and tired.

They sheepishly admitted they didn't want to work out. They were coming to my classes to replenish their energy.

And they started telling me why. 

Slow practice was doing something for them. It helped them reduce pain, sleep better, gain greater ease of movement, more flexibility and strength, a calmer nervous system, a better relationship with their body, a stronger mind, a deeper connection to their spirituality, use less alcohol and drugs, or medication, and more.

I intuitively knew these were related to the incredible health benefits of slow practice but I realized that I didn’t have the tools I needed to quickly get new students fully onboard.

So, I narrowed it down to 2 critical things I was missing:

1 - The science behind the health benefits of slow yoga; and
2 - How to explain and convince students of the benefits

I set out to uncover the science and develop key talking points. It took me YEARS! Years of painstaking work to curate the research and craft my message. But I did it. I figured it out. And it has been totally worth all that work.

I’ve been able to expand my business and build a solid following of yoga teachers, health professionals, and students who understand the value of slow movement and are passionate advocates of my particular brand, which I call “Subtle Yoga.” 

My students totally get it. They’ve transformed their lives and they’re helping others do the same.  

So now my mission is to share these tools with you so that you can easily and effectively differentiate yourself from “fitness yoga” and share the convincing science behind these practices.
Being able to transform the lives of 
my students because I understand how slow, mindful practice can 
benefit fatigue, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, body image, weight management and many other 
chronic health challenges AND 
how to explain all that convincingly, 
has been my greatest reward. 
The expansion of my business and following was a welcome side effect! I'd love to explain to you a little of my story. 
Hi, my name is Kristine Kaoverii Weber
I’ve been teaching for nearly 25 years and I’ve been studying yoga and the science behind it since 1989 and training talented yoga teachers like you since 2003. I’m passionate about the scientific benefits of slow yoga practice and I want to help you.

I threw in my Hot Yoga towel years ago and now I unashamedly practice and preach slow, mindful, holistic yoga.

I have personally shown thousands of yoga professionals how to confidently understand and teach the life-changing value of these practices. And this knowledge and confidence has helped my teachers develop and retain large classes. 
After my little stint trying to teach Vinyasa I returned to my roots and kept it slow.

People want to work out and exercise is definitely good for you, everyone knows that - but most people have NO IDEA about the neurobiologic benefits of slow yoga practice. Sure, they may know that they need to slow down, but they don’t necessarily know why.   

I spent years trying to convince students that they should practice slowly and mindfully rather than fast and furiously - and eventually it paid off.


Glad you asked! I personally feel it’s super important to take the time to research and explore what’s out there. Because there’s a lot of hype in the yoga world. Trust me, I’ve seen it and I’ve dedicated years to wading through mountains of yoga information. What I have honed in on is the scientific evidence.

After a ton of research I unearthed the scientific evidence that slower practices benefit your health in a different way than hot, fast, fitness yoga. Slow helps reduce chronic pain, alleviate depression and anxiety, manage weight, reduce inflammation, reduce fatigue and more. Slow builds more mindfulness and resilience, increases peace and happiness, and helps connect to a clearer sense of identity, meaning and purpose.

Now I spend most of my time educating yoga and health professionals in the science of yoga in a way that’s accessible, easy to understand, and easy to teach. Their students have begun not only to experience, but also to understand the underlying scientific mechanisms behind the practices. And their classes keep growing.
As Seen In...
Hi, my name is Kristine Kaoverii Weber
I’ve been teaching for nearly 25 years and I’ve been studying yoga and the science behind it since 1989 and training talented yoga teachers like you since 2003. I’m passionate about the scientific benefits of slow yoga practice and I want to help you.

I threw in my Hot Yoga towel years ago and now I unashamedly practice and preach slow, mindful, holistic yoga.

I have personally shown thousands of yoga professionals how to confidently understand and teach the life-changing value of these practices. And this knowledge and confidence has helped my teachers develop and retain large classes. 
After my little stint trying to teach Vinyasa I returned to my roots and kept it slow.

People want to work out and exercise is definitely good for you, everyone knows that - but most people have NO IDEA about the neurobiologic benefits of slow yoga practice. Sure, they may know that they need to slow down, but they don’t necessarily know why.   

I spent years trying to convince students that they should practice slowly and mindfully rather than fast and furiously - and eventually it paid off.


Glad you asked! I personally feel it’s super important to take the time to research and explore what’s out there. Because there’s a lot of hype in the yoga world. Trust me, I’ve seen it and I’ve dedicated years to wading through mountains of yoga information. What I have honed in on is the scientific evidence.

After a ton of research I unearthed the scientific evidence that slower practices benefit your health in a different way than hot, fast, fitness yoga. Slow helps reduce chronic pain, alleviate depression and anxiety, manage weight, reduce inflammation, reduce fatigue and more. Slow builds more mindfulness and resilience, increases peace and happiness, and helps connect to a clearer sense of identity, meaning and purpose.

Now I spend most of my time educating yoga and health professionals in the science of yoga in a way that’s accessible, easy to understand, and easy to teach. Their students have begun not only to experience, but also to understand the underlying scientific mechanisms behind the practices. And their classes keep growing.
Imagine... How good it will feel to consistently have full classes, 
to share practices that are near and dear to your heart, to watch your students change their lives, and to build a solid following of 
dedicated practitioners who prioritize doing yoga with you.  

As Seen In...
Imagine... How good it will feel to consistently have full classes, 
to share practices that are near and dear to your heart, to watch your students change their lives, and to build a solid following of 
dedicated practitioners who prioritize doing yoga with you.  
Understanding THE SCIENCE OF SLOWER PRACTICES wiLL help you:
Attract more students & fill your classes
Turn your students into dedicated practitioners who keep coming back
Transform the lives & health of your students especially those with chronic health conditions
Understand & appreciate the profound & life-changing value of slow, mindful yoga
Feel more confident in your teaching
Realize the opportunities you have as part of an elite 1% of yoga teachers teaching slower practices
and you CAN AVOID:
Understanding THE SCIENCE OF SLOWER PRACTICES wiLL help you:
Attract more students & fill your classes
Turn your students into dedicated practitioners who keep coming back
Transform the lives & health of your students especially those with chronic health conditions
Feel more confident in your teaching
Realize the opportunities you have as part of an elite 1% of yoga teachers teaching slower practices
and you CAN AVOID:
Years of small classes and the frustration of waiting for students to show up - knowing that they don’t value what you teach and the time spent with you - and jump straight into bigger classes right away, more revenue, and a bigger following - if that’s what you want. 

I want to help make your journey from small to full classes easier and faster than mine has been - and not with some sort of gimmicky way to sell your yoga, but just by helping you improve the way you talk about it - so that it becomes compelling and essential. 
Feeling inferior because you don’t teach “Advanced” postures and instead feeling proud and confident because you know the science behind what you teach and the truly transformational value of your work.  
The painstaking and time consuming task of ploughing through the research and also of trying to wade through all the nonsense and misinformation about yoga’s benefits because I’ve done that work for you! I’ve condensed and compiled my years of study in a convenient, well-outlined way to help you get the life-changing knowledge you need rather quickly and easily.
Years of small classes and the frustration of waiting for students to show up - knowing that they don’t value what you teach and the time spent with you - and jump straight into bigger classes right away, more revenue, and a bigger following - if that’s what you want. 

I want to help make your journey from small to full classes easier and faster than mine has been - and not with some sort of gimmicky way to sell your yoga, but just by helping you improve the way you talk about it - so that it becomes compelling and essential. 
Feeling inferior because you don’t teach “Advanced” postures and instead feeling proud and confident because you know the science behind what you teach and the truly transformational value of your work.  
The painstaking and time consuming task of ploughing through the research and also of trying to wade through all the nonsense and misinformation about yoga’s benefits because I’ve done that work for you! I’ve condensed and compiled my years of study in a convenient, well-outlined way to help you get the life-changing knowledge you need rather quickly and easily.
Be part of a like-minded, passionate community
Join The Subtle® Yoga Revolution! We are a unique group of yoga teachers who are convinced that slow, mindful practice is an antidote to the stresses of the modern world and the epidemic of chronic diseases.  
Understand how slow, mindful yoga benefits 5 common health challenges: Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, and Body Image/Weight Management
Help your students understand why the time they spend with you is JUST as important as the time they spend in the gym.
Grow your class size and make a greater contribution to the health of your community.
Envision more confidence and a greater sense of self-worth when your slow, mindful classes are full and more students let you know how your unique teaching has helped transform their lives and their health.
Be part of a like-minded, passionate community
Join The Subtle® Yoga Revolution! We are a unique group of yoga teachers who are convinced that slow, mindful practice is an antidote to the stresses of the modern world and the epidemic of chronic diseases.  
Understand how slow, mindful yoga benefits 5 common health challenges: Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, and Body Image/Weight Management
Help your students understand why the time they spend with you is JUST as important as the time they spend in the gym.
Grow your class size and make a greater contribution to the health of your community.
Envision more confidence and a greater sense of self-worth when your slow, mindful classes are full and more students let you know how your unique teaching has helped transform their lives and their health.
I’d love to invite you to become part of a new and unique strain of yoga professional 
by joining me inside a brand new cutting-edge course called...
The science of slow™
You don’t need to follow the hot, sweaty crowd.

Join us and help change the world with slow, mindful, holistic yoga by gaining the knowledge, tools and resources to confidently convey the specific health benefits of these practices.

I’d love to invite you to become part of a new and unique strain of yoga professional by joining me
 inside a brand new cutting-edge course called...
The science of slow™
You don’t need to follow the hot, sweaty crowd.

Join us and help change the world with slow, mindful, holistic yoga by gaining the knowledge, tools and resources to confidently convey the specific health benefits of these practices.
What is The Science of Slow™?
The Science of Slow™ is a 5 module online course for yoga teachers that will teach you the cutting-edge science-based theory AND practice on how slow movement SPECIFICALLY benefits the 5 most common health challenges your students may be experiencing; Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Chronic pain and Body Image/Weight Management.

Each module contains 2 training videos:

+ Theory video: Training on the neurobiologic mechanisms of how slow yoga practice helps and the evidence base for yoga in relation to each of the 5 specific health challenges ; 10-20 minutes long.

+ Practice video: Specific practices demonstrating appropriate sequencing and highlighting specific therapeutic practice points in relation to each of the 5 specific health challenges; 15-20 minutes long.
What is The Science of Slow™?
The Science of Slow™ is a 5 module online course for yoga teachers that will teach you the cutting-edge science-based theory AND practice on how slow movement SPECIFICALLY benefits the 5 most common health challenges your students may be experiencing; Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Chronic pain and Body Image/Weight Management.

Each module contains 2 training videos:

+ Theory video: Training on the neurobiologic mechanisms of how slow yoga practice helps and the evidence base for yoga in relation to each of the 5 specific health challenges ; 10-20 minutes long.

+ Practice video: Specific practices demonstrating appropriate sequencing and highlighting specific therapeutic practice points in relation to each of the 5 specific health challenges; 15-20 minutes long.
What's Included...
What's Included...
What's Inside The Science Of Slow™?
Module 1: Fatigue
We'll cover:
In Module One, I’ll help you understand the challenge of fatigue through the Ayurvedic lens of the doshas. I introduce you to two basic functions of the Parasympathetic Nervous System and we’ll look at the value of slow “innercise” compared to the benefits of exercise. 
+ The Challenge of Fatigue
+ Fatigue & the Ayurvedic Doshas
+ The PNS – “Tend & Befriend” & “Rest & Digest”
+ Innercise vs. Exercise
+ Practice Points for Working with Fatigue
What's Inside The Science Of Slow™?
Module 1: Fatigue
We'll cover:
In Module One, I’ll help you understand the challenge of fatigue through the Ayurvedic lens of the doshas. I introduce you to two basic functions of the Parasympathetic Nervous System and we’ll look at the value of slow “innercise” compared to the benefits of exercise. 
+ The Challenge of Fatigue
+ Fatigue & the Ayurvedic Doshas
+ The PNS – “Tend & Befriend” & “Rest & Digest”
+ Innercise vs. Exercise
+ Practice Points for Working with Fatigue
Module 2: Depression
We'll cover:
In Module Two, I’ll help you wade through the mountains of research on yoga and depression, we’ll look at different theories of depression and why slow yoga is particularly useful.
+ The Challenge of Depression
Neurotransmitter Theory of Depression
+ Biopsychosocial Theory of Depression
+ Yoga Research on Depression
+ Why Slow Yoga?
+ Stress & the HPA Axis
+ From the Brain to the Whole Person
+ Practice Points for Working with Depression
Module 2: Depression
We'll cover:
In Module Two, I’ll help you wade through the mountains of research on yoga and depression, we’ll look at different theories of depression and why slow yoga is particularly useful.
+ The Challenge of Depression
Neurotransmitter Theory of Depression
+ Biopsychosocial Theory of Depression
+ Yoga Research on Depression
+ Why Slow Yoga?
+ Stress & the HPA Axis
+ From the Brain to the Whole Person
+ Practice Points for Working with Depression
Module 3: Anxiety
We'll cover:
In Module Three, you’ll have an opportunity to look at the neural mechanisms behind anxiety, the connection between anxiety and depression and the concepts of exteroception, proprioception and interoception in the context of slow, mindful yoga practice.
What is Anxiety?
How are Anxiety & Depression Connected?
+ The “Window of Tolerance”
+ Neurochemicals & Yoga Research
+ Exteroception, Proprioception, & Interoception
+ The Benefits of Slow Breathing
+ Practice Points for Working with Anxiety
Module 3: Anxiety
We'll cover:
In Module Three, you’ll have an opportunity to look at the neural mechanisms behind anxiety, the connection between anxiety and depression and the concepts of exteroception, proprioception and interoception in the context of slow, mindful yoga practice.
What is Anxiety?
How are Anxiety & Depression Connected?
+ The “Window of Tolerance”
+ Neurochemicals & Yoga Research
+ Exteroception, Proprioception, & Interoception
+ The Benefits of Slow Breathing
+ Practice Points for Working with Anxiety
Module 4: Chronic Pain
We'll cover:
In Module Four, I’ll give you an overview of the science of chronic pain, how chronic stress contributes to the vicious cycle of chronic pain, and how slow, mindful practice can be an excellent resource for helping people cope.
The Challenge of Chronic Pain
+ How Chronic Pain is like an amplified guitar
+ The Stress Cycle & Pain
+ Why Slow, Mindful Yoga can help
+ Practice Points for Working with Chronic Pain 
Module 4: Chronic Pain
We'll cover:
In Module Four, I’ll give you an overview of the science of chronic pain, how chronic stress contributes to the vicious cycle of chronic pain, and how slow, mindful practice can be an excellent resource for helping people cope.
The Challenge of Chronic Pain
+ How Chronic Pain is like an amplified guitar
+ The Stress Cycle & Pain
+ Why Slow, Mindful Yoga can help
+ Practice Points for Working with Chronic Pain 
Module 5: Body Image / Weight management
We'll cover:
In Module Five, you’ll gain insight into the research evidence behind how slow, mindful practice benefits those struggling with body image or weight management. I’ll debunk some of the myths behind exercise and weight, and help you understand the essential role of stress management.
+ Healthy Bodies come in Many Sizes
Health Risks Associated with Obesity
+ Exercise & Weight Management
+ Stress & Weight
+ Yoga & Weight Research
+ Slow Yoga & its Benefits for Weight Management & Body Image
+ Practice Points for Working with Body Image & Weight Management
Module 5: Body Image / Weight management
We'll cover:
In Module Five, you’ll gain insight into the research evidence behind how slow, mindful practice benefits those struggling with body image or weight management. I’ll debunk some of the myths behind exercise and weight, and help you understand the essential role of stress management.
+ Healthy Bodies come in Many Sizes
Health Risks Associated with Obesity
+ Exercise & Weight Management
+ Stress & Weight
+ Yoga & Weight Research
+ Slow Yoga & its Benefits for Weight Management & Body Image
+ Practice Points for Working with Body Image & Weight Management
Once you've completed The Science of Slow™ you’ll have what you need to 
skillfully explain the health benefits that slow movement can have on 
5 of the most common chronic health conditions.
This is the first time we are running this course and we have had a wonderful response to it so the special bonuses and time to make a decision is short!
Once you've completed The Science of Slow™ you’ll have what you need to 
skillfully explain the health benefits that slow movement can have on 
5 of the most common chronic health conditions.
This is the first time we are running this course and we've received such a great response to it... so the special bonuses and time to make a decision is short!
And here’s the thing, I am not interested in sloppy thinking or shoddy work. If you really don’t like it, I’m going to give you the absolute best guarantee I possibly can… 

If you’re not 100% happy with the course in the first 30 days I’ll refund you all your money.

Simple as that.
And here’s the thing, I am not interested in sloppy thinking or shoddy work. If you really don’t like it, I’m going to give you the absolute best guarantee I possibly can… 

If you’re not 100% happy with the course in the first 30 days I’ll refund you all your money.

Simple as that.
And you’ll get these bonuses
Bonus #1 - 6 friendly, convincing responses to common objections about slow, mindful yoga
Tired of hearing the same complaints about slow yoga that I heard for years?

Does “This isn’t advanced yoga” sound familiar?

I’ve created a scripted response for 6 of the most common complaints I’ve fielded over the years.

This will give you a script to know exactly how to respond the next time someone objects and, more than that, it will give you the confidence to respond and convert these objections into "Heck, yes! Sign me up for your class!”

Format: Downloadable PDF
Bonus #2 - Reference Materials; PDFs of all the Power Point Lectures
It can be really useful to be able to download and print out lecture notes so that you can have them and refer back to them from time to time so - that’s what I’m giving you here. From all 5 modules!

Format: Downloadable PDF
Bonus #3 - Self Massage video
A short, simple self massage you can share with your students.

Format: Video
And you’ll get these bonuses
Bonus #1 - 6 friendly, convincing responses to common objections about slow, mindful yoga
Tired of hearing the same complaints about slow yoga that I heard for years?

Does “This isn’t advanced yoga” sound familiar?

I’ve created a scripted response for 6 of the most common complaints I’ve fielded over the years.

This will give you a script to know exactly how to respond the next time someone objects and, more than that, it will give you the confidence to respond and convert these objections into "Heck, yes! Sign me up for your class!”

Format: Downloadable PDF

Bonus #2 - Reference Materials; PDFs of all the Power Point Lectures
It can be really useful to be able to download and print out lecture notes so that you can have them and refer back to them from time to time so - that’s what I’m giving you here. From all 5 modules!

Format: Downloadable PDF
Bonus #3 - A self Massage Video
A short, simple self massage you can share with your students.

Format: Video
How much does the The Science of Slow™ cost?
I’m passionate about equipping yoga teachers who are committed to sharing slow, mindful practices with the skills they need to convince students about the value of their work. There’s a lot of suffering in the world right now, and a lot of people don’t have the tools they need to cope - they often don’t know how much slow, mindful yoga can help.
Don't delay if you want to attract more students and fill your classes, turn your students into dedicated 
practitioners and transform the lives & health of your students especially those with chronic health 
conditions. And don't forget the bonuses which will be an invaluable part of your toolkit. 
How much does 
The Science of Slow™ cost?
I’m passionate about equipping yoga teachers who are committed to sharing slow, mindful practices with the skills they need to convince students about the value of their work. There’s a lot of suffering in the world right now, and a lot of people don’t have the tools they need to cope - they often don’t know how much slow, mindful yoga can help.
Don't delay if you want to attract more students and fill your classes, turn your students into dedicated 
practitioners and transform the lives & health of your students especially those with chronic health 
conditions. And don't forget the bonuses which will be an invaluable part of your toolkit. 
Kind words from students of The Science of Slow™:
Giving Back
Since 2019 Subtle® Yoga has donated over $22,000 in cash and scholarships to help support yoga teachers.
Kind words from students of The Science of Slow™:
Giving Back
Since 2019 Subtle® Yoga has donated over $22,000 in cash and scholarships to help support yoga teachers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is all the course material available all at once?
Yes, The Science of Slow™ is prerecorded. You can access all the material immediately and easily through the Kajabi platform. The Powerpoint videos are also available in one of your bonuses – as one PDF of all the slides. 

You are welcome to go at your own pace, and review or re-watch whatever you like, as many times as you like.
I have already purchased The Yoga and Neuroscience Connection™, do I need 
The Science of Slow ™ too?
The Science of Slow™ is a shorter course about specific health challenges that may benefit from slower practices including fatigue, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and body image/weight management. It includes about 90 minutes of lectures and 90 minutes of practice, plus a PDF of the slides and a bonus ebook.
The Yoga and Neuroscience Connection™ is an in-depth training about the neuroscience that underlies the 8 Limbs of Yoga system. It includes about 3 hours of practice video and about 6 hours of lecture, plus PDFs of all the slides, a workbook, quizzes, 2 bonus ebooks, and a bonus infographic/cartoon.
If you are primarily interested in how yoga benefits the brain and body, then The Yoga and Neuroscience Connection™ is a great place to start. If you are also interested in learning a few techniques for specific health challenges, then The Science of Slow™ will be an excellent counterpart to your learning and addition to your knowledge base with some sample ideas about how slow practice can help.
Are there home study or practice elements and/or homework to complete? 
The Science of Slow™ includes 5 practice modules offering approximately 20 minute practices on each of the 5 content areas – fatigue, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and body image/weight management.
Is the content mine to keep forever?
Yes, the content is all downloadable. The world changes very quickly so the content will be available on the current platform until 30 June 2027 at which time we'll decide whether we will continue to support the course.
May I share the information in this course?
We are so happy that you are interested in this material and are very excited about you using this work to benefit your students and clients. That being said, this material is all copyrighted and we have done our best to keep our tuition rates very reasonable. In the spirit of asteya please do not share this material with anyone else. 

Feel free to invite or encourage your friends, colleagues and students to visit our website if you think they will be interested in the course.. thank you. 
Are there any CEUs available?
Once you have completed the training you can register for 4 CEU hours (non-contact) on Yoga Alliance.
 Do you have a Slow Yoga teacher training program?
I train teachers here in Asheville, North Carolina, at the Town and Mountain Training Center. We have both a Subtle® Yoga 200 hour training, and a Subtle® Yoga 300 hour advanced training. My website - - has all the details.
What are the bonuses?
1. An Ebook: 6 Friendly, Convincing Responses to Some Common Objections About Slow, Mindful Yoga Practice: A Cheat Sheet for Yoga Professionals

2. PDFs of the lectures.

3. A Simple Self Massage video.
 Is there a group forum for discussions on module topics and experiences?
Yes, once you have made your purchase, please join the FB group, the Subtle Yoga Community.
Do you have to be a yoga teacher to take this course?
The course is designed for yoga professionals - but anyone with an interest in this material is welcome to take this course.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is all the course material available all at once?
Yes, The Science of Slow™ is prerecorded. You can access all the material immediately and easily through the Kajabi platform. The Powerpoint videos are also available in one of your bonuses – as one PDF of all the slides. 

You are welcome to go at your own pace, and review or re-watch whatever you like, as many times as you like.
I have already purchased The Yoga and Neuroscience Connection™, do I need 
The Science of Slow ™ too?
The Science of Slow™ is a shorter course about specific health challenges that may benefit from slower practices including fatigue, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and body image/weight management. It includes about 90 minutes of lectures and 90 minutes of practice, plus a PDF of the slides and a bonus ebook.
The Yoga and Neuroscience Connection™ is an in-depth training about the neuroscience that underlies the 8 Limbs of Yoga system. It includes about 3 hours of practice video and about 6 hours of lecture, plus PDFs of all the slides, a workbook, quizzes, 2 bonus ebooks, and a bonus infographic/cartoon.
If you are primarily interested in how yoga benefits the brain and body, then The Yoga and Neuroscience Connection™ is a great place to start. If you are also interested in learning a few techniques for specific health challenges, then The Science of Slow™ will be an excellent counterpart to your learning and addition to your knowledge base with some sample ideas about how slow practice can help.
Are there home study or practice elements and/or homework to complete? 
The Science of Slow™ includes 5 practice modules offering approximately 20 minute practices on each of the 5 content areas – fatigue, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and body image/weight management.
Is the content mine to keep forever?
Yes, the content is all downloadable. The world changes very quickly so the content will be available on the current platform until 30 June 2027 at which time we'll decide whether we will continue to support the course.
May I share the information in this course?
We are so happy that you are interested in this material and are very excited about you using this work to benefit your students and clients. That being said, this material is all copyrighted and we have done our best to keep our tuition rates very reasonable. In the spirit of asteya please do not share this material with anyone else. 

Feel free to invite or encourage your friends, colleagues and students to visit our website if you think they will be interested in the course.. thank you. 
Are there any CEUs available?
Once you have completed the training you can register for 4 CEU hours (non-contact) on Yoga Alliance.
 Do you have a Slow Yoga teacher training program?
I train teachers here in Asheville, North Carolina, at the Town and Mountain Training Center. We have both a Subtle® Yoga 200 hour training, and a Subtle® Yoga 300 hour advanced training. My website - - has all the details.
What are the bonuses?
1. An Ebook: 6 Friendly, Convincing Responses to Some Common Objections About Slow, Mindful Yoga Practice: A Cheat Sheet for Yoga Professionals

2. PDFs of the lectures.

3. A simple self massage video.
 Is there a group forum for discussions on module topics and experiences?
Yes, once you have made your purchase, please join the FB group, the Subtle Yoga Community.
Do you have to be a yoga teacher to take this course?
The course is designed for yoga professionals - but anyone with an interest in this material is welcome to take this course.

Here's the truth:
Your yoga is a safe haven, a refuge from the craziness, 
but you need to convince people that it’s worth their time. My mission 
is to help you do that with confidence, clarity and ease.

Here's the truth: Your yoga is a safe haven, a refuge from the craziness, but you need to 
convince people that it’s worth their time. My mission is to 
help you do that with 
confidence, clarity and ease.
I can help you believe in yourself. YOU are capable of filling your slow, mindful yoga classes when you learn the 
science behind the health benefits of yoga and how to convey them. I've broken it down so it's digestible and easy. 
You too can become part of our Subtle® Yoga Revolution.
Jump on this opportunity now.
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Copyright © 2023  |  Subtle® Health, LLC  |  All Rights Reserved  |  Asheville, NC 28805
I can help you believe in yourself. YOU are capable of filling your slow, mindful yoga classes when you learn the 
science behind the health benefits of yoga and how to convey them. I've broken it down so it's digestible and easy. 
You too can become part of our Subtle® Yoga Revolution.
This is your last chance.
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Copyright © 2023  |  Subtle® Health, LLC  |  All Rights Reserved  |  Asheville, NC 28805