Can’t Keep Up With Fast, Performative Yoga Teaching? (And Honestly Don’t Want To?)
The Secret To Teaching Slow, Mindful Yoga:
How To Ensure Your Students Keep Coming Back for years to Come
Most yoga teachers think they need to teach fast, fitness yoga because
that’s what students want. Very few think they can make it if they teach
slow, mindful yoga - you know why?
Most yoga teachers think they need to teach fast, fitness yoga because that’s what students want. Very few think they can make it if they teach slow, mindful yoga - you know why?
Slow, mindful yoga is met with resistance because most students think “Nope, NOT FOR ME”. 

Because it’s way “too easy” and couldn’t possibly “do anything for me”.

You fear if you teach it your classes will die and fade away.

And on the rare chance you happen to fill your class, students won’t return because it’s just too easy. They can do it themselves at home, so why pay you?

It looks pretty bleak. 

I've heard this over and over again from teachers. It's exactly.what.happens.
Unlike fitness yoga classes, just being able to offer a relaxing slow, mindful practice ALONE is simply not enough to keep people coming back for more. Nowhere near enough. 

You need to convince folks that slow, mindful yoga is the way to health and happiness. And you need to incorporate it into how you promote your classes.
Slow, mindful yoga is met with resistance because most students think “Nope, NOT FOR ME”. 

Because it’s way “too easy” and couldn’t possibly “do anything for me”.

You fear if you teach it your classes will die and fade away.

And on the rare chance you happen to fill your class, students won’t return because it’s just too easy. They can do it themselves at home, so why pay you?

It looks pretty bleak. 

I've heard this over and over again from teachers. It's exactly.what.happens.

Unlike fitness yoga classes, just being able to offer a relaxing slow, mindful practice ALONE is simply not enough to keep people coming back for more. Nowhere near enough. 

You need to convince folks that slow, mindful yoga is the way to health and happiness. And you need to incorporate it into how you promote your classes.

But selling is not something that comes naturally to most yoga teachers. It’s not something that we learned in yoga teacher training. It can seem against the principles of yoga.

But without that skill, trying to teach slow, mindful yoga will only land you on struggle street.

How can you change the minds of:

  • Students who think slow, mindful yoga is just stretching?
  • Students who say goodbye because they’re ‘ready to move onto more “advanced" classes?'
  • The studio owner who thinks your classes are unsellable and won’t give you decent time slots?

How can you possibly attract and convince students who really need what you teach?

NO WONDER very few teachers of slow, mindful yoga are super successful.

It can feel like US against the rest of the yoga world.

I really struggled when I first decided I only wanted to teach slow, mindful, holistic yoga instead of the trendy, sweaty stuff. I knew my classes were a gold mine of health, but I had no convincing way to help students understand that. I had neither the scientific explanation, nor the confidence to back it up. 

So I realized that I needed to dig deep into the research to find out why slow, mindful practices are so beneficial. But, probably more important, I needed to be able to explain those benefits quickly and confidently. 

It’s been 14 years since I first started on my journey of collecting research and studying physiology and neuroscience.

And what I discovered happens to the brain and nervous system from regular slow, mindful yoga continues to blow me away. 

Here are just some of the BENEFITS of slow, mindful yoga:

Supports an aging brain

Reduces anxiety

Lifts mood

Supports healthy food habits

Improves sleep

Accessible at any age

It made me realize that tying neuroscience to slow, mindful yoga is the KEY to students understanding its value. 

In reality, it’s not a hard sell at all! We have science on our side.

You just need to know HOW.
The intense work I did helped me expand my business and build a solid following of yoga teachers and students all over the world. It also helped me cross over into the healthcare market - I started teaching many different kinds of healthcare professionals.

And you know what? 

The FASTEST GROWING MARKET is yoga for older people because as the population ages, more and more people are going to need yoga that they can actually do.

Now my mission is to empower teachers of slow, mindful yoga with the tools to succeed. 

Since 2002 I have helped nearly 22,000 yoga professionals understand and confidently teach the life-changing value of slower, more holistic and integrated yoga practices. 

And this knowledge and confidence has helped them build and retain bigger, more consistent class numbers as well as more private students.

Kristine Kaoverii Weber
Become a trailblazer in the world of yoga teaching by diving into this groundbreaking training...
The Yoga & Neuroscience Connection
A cutting-edge online course for teachers who want to effortlessly share the neuroscientific benefits of slow, mindful yoga so their students understand the value of what they teach and keep coming back for years to come.

Perfect For:
• Yoga Teachers  • Mental Health Professionals  • Trailblazers  • Science Geeks  •  Non-Science Geeks

What's Included...
Delve into the fascinating intersection of yoga and neuroscience and gain a profound understanding that will empower you to confidently share it both with students AND healthcare professionals.

Seize the opportunity to be at the forefront of this cutting-edge approach to yoga and neuroscience by enrolling and getting started on the modules today!

Module 1 - Getting to Know Your Brain
Module 2 - Yoga Ethics, Neuroscience & The Creation Of Health
Module 3 - The Neurobiology Of Asanas
Module 4 - The Neurobiology Of Pranayama
Module 5 - The Neurobiology Of Meditation
Utilize these 30-minute practice videos as the foundation for your next yoga class plans. Carefully curated to illuminate the intersection of yoga and neuroscience, they'll not only streamline your preparation process but also amplify the impact of each class you teach.

1. Incorporating the Science of the Yamas and Niyamas into Your Classes
2. Building a Better Brain with Repetition and Novelty
3. Creating Greater Nervous System Resilience with Pranayama and Asanas
4. Incorporating Meditation into Your Classes
Dive into our dynamic 48-page study guide jam-packed with insights, practical tips, and inspiration. It is your playbook for confidently navigating this cutting-edge course.
Unlock a world of professional growth and advancement with 12 CEU hours for Yoga Alliance (with approval). Elevate your expertise, broaden your horizons, and stay ahead of the pack. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills, meet certification requirements, or simply expand your knowledge, these CEU hours are your passport to success.
Whether you're a seasoned teacher or just starting your teaching journey, our downloadable lecture slides are a versatile tool to enhance the learning experience, support diverse learning needs, and empower you to deliver transformational yoga classes.
Embark on an interactive journey of self-discovery and mastery with our engaging quizzes at the end of each module. Dive deep into the heart of each module as you test your knowledge, reinforce key concepts, and track your progress along the way. 
Enjoy these bonuses:
“Subtle Secrets of Pranayama” ebook
(Value: $29)
Get to know pranayama as you’ve never known it before! This eBook is not just about techniques, it’s about a deep, holistic take on pranayama. Everyone can reap the benefits of breathing practices and I’m confident this subtle approach will help you expand your understanding and application of pranayama practices and optimize your health.

In this eBook you will find:
+ 6 Subtle Secrets of Pranayama Practice
+ 9 Pranayama Awareness Exercises
+ 5 Pranayama Techniques
+ Guidelines for Ratio Breathing
+ Suggestions for Further Study
+ Subtle Yoga Pranayama Practice Journal  
+ Audio download of 18 minute Subtle Yoga Progressive Relaxation
“Go Slow: Helping Your Students Understand The Science
Behind Slow, Mindful Yoga” eBook
(Value: $27)
“Go Slow” will give you some clear points you can share with your students and potential students to let them know that the time they spend with you is as important as any other exercise or self-care practice they do. In this eBook, 

I break down the asana part of practice in order to focus on the benefits of slow movement so that you and your students have a stronger rationale for taking the time to slow down and feel good about it – rather than indulgent, lazy, or even worse, guilty!
Yoga and the Neurobiology of Happiness - a cartoon!
(Value: $17)
This printable cartoon PDF is a great to share with your clients and students. It explains, in simple terms, the three circuits and strategies for safety (from Polyvagal Theory), and how yoga can help you build a resilient nervous system. 

The cartoon is a perfect solution for yoga teachers looking for a quick way to explain why slow, mindful practices are so beneficial to students who don’t have time to study neuroscience. You are welcome to copy it and share it, or to share it digitally.
The Yoga & Neuroscience Connection
A cutting-edge online course for teachers who want to effortlessly share the neuroscientific benefits of slow, mindful yoga so their students understand the value of what they teach and keep coming back for years to come.
5 leading-edge modules on the connection between yoga & neuroscience
Value: $1,497
4 x 30-minute practice videos
Value: $947
Study guide - 48-pages
Value: $97
CEUs - 12 hours with Yoga Alliance
Value: $47
Course lecture slides
Value: $47
5 short,  friendly quizzes at the end of each module
Value: $47
Bonus #1 - "Subtle Secrets of Pranayama" eBook
Value: $29
Bonus #2 - “Go Slow: Helping Your Students Understand The Science Behind Slow, Mindful Yoga” eBook
Value: $27
Bonus #3 - Yoga and the Neurobiology of Happiness - a cartoon!
Value: $17
5 leading-edge modules on the connection between yoga & neuroscience.
4 x 30-minute practice videos
Study guide - 48-pages
CEUs - 12 hours with Yoga Alliance
Course lecture slides
5 short,  friendly quizzes at the end of each module
Bonus #1 - "Subtle Secrets of Pranayama" eBook
Bonus #2 - “Go Slow: Helping Your Students Understand The Science Behind Slow, Mindful Yoga” eBook
Bonus #3 - Yoga and the Neurobiology of Happiness - a cartoon!
Value: $1,497
Value: $947
Value: $97
Value: $47
Value: $47
Value: $47
Value: $29
Value: $27

Value: $17
Save $100 off the regular price!
Save $100 off the regular price!
This course is your shortcut to unleashing your potential as a slow, mindful yoga teacher so that your students, prospective students, studio owners, and healthcare professionals understand, celebrate, and promote your teaching!
Cultivate a deep knowledge of the neuroscientific benefits of slow, mindful yoga without years of study and even if you’re not a science geek
Stop feeling like a second rate teacher by becoming adept at confidently explaining the neuroscientific benefits of slow, mindful yoga so that students understand that it’s so much more than stretching and relaxing, that it’s just as important as any other self-care activity they participate in
Transform the way you think and talk about your classes so that prospective students cannot help but want to see what the fuss is all about
Keep your students coming back week after week because they understand the value of what you teach, even if you’re currently losing students to more “advanced” classes 
Impress healthcare professionals with your superior expertise and convincing pitch, so that they would feel foolish not referring in need clients to you
Win over studio owners by educating them on the value of what you teach, so that they’ll happily give you better timeslots
Cultivate a deep knowledge of the neuroscientific benefits of slow, mindful yoga without years of study and even if you’re not a science geek
Stop feeling like a second rate teacher by becoming adept at confidently explaining the neuroscientific benefits of slow, mindful yoga so that students understand that it’s so much more than stretching and relaxing, that it’s just as important as any other self-care activity they participate in
Transform the way you think and talk about your classes so that prospective students cannot help but want to see what the fuss is all about
Keep your students coming back week after week because they understand the value of what you teach, even if you’re currently losing students to more “advanced” classes 
Impress healthcare professionals with your superior expertise and convincing pitch, so that they would feel foolish not referring in need clients to you
Win over studio owners by educating them on the value of what you teach, so that they’ll happily give you better timeslots
Attain authority status and become the go-to teacher in your area, transforming the lives and health of your students, even if your confidence is rock-bottom right now.
During my study of physiology and neuroscience my goal was to learn how to speak to healthcare providers about the physiologic benefits of slow, mindful, adaptable, holistic yoga practices. 

My hunch was that if I did that well then they would understand the value of what I teach.

You know what? That's exactly what happened. 

Not overnight of course, it took many years of research, and tweaking my language, but I'm now at the point where my classes, workshops and trainings are filled with psychotherapists, addiction specialists, physicians assistants, OTs, PTs and, of course, lots of ardent yoga enthusiasts too. 

I’ve been able to expand my business and build a robust following because I learned to speak about yoga in the language of science.  
Imagine how much better your teaching will be when
You've got the science to back up the health benefits of your teaching
AND you can explain it with confidence and ease. 

*** Spoiler alert: You’ll be hearing from your students regularly telling you about how
much better they feel and how confident they are in you and your teaching. ***
You've got the science to back up the health benefits of your teaching AND you can explain it with confidence and ease. 

*** Spoiler alert: You’ll be hearing from your students regularly telling you about how much better they feel and how confident they are in you and your teaching. ***
Most teachers of slow, mindful yoga spend years struggling to get some traction
because their strategy is all wrong - ahem, I’m guilty - but why waste years when
there are so many people who need what you have to offer, right now? 
Most teachers of slow, mindful yoga spend years struggling to get some traction because their strategy is all wrong - ahem, I’m guilty - but why waste years when there are so many people who need what you have to offer, right now? 
Plus, I’m offering you a true shortcut that will save you years in research and study. And you can get started right away! In the comfort of your own home.
3,162 yoga teachers have already enrolled and their classes have bloomed because of it... you are just a few short minutes away from transforming your yoga teaching career!

Right now, I’m offering this course for $100 off the regular price. This small investment in The Yoga & Neuroscience Connection will save you from the trap of fast, performative yoga and set you apart as an accomplished, expert teacher who understands the link between neuroscience and slow, mindful yoga. Bravo!
If you take this course and do not understand or cannot convincingly explain the neuroscientific benefits of slow, mindful yoga, you deserve your money back.

If your confidence in your ability to convey the link between yoga and neuroscience doesn’t skyrocket, we will issue you a refund within the first 30 days - no questions asked!  

Send us an email at

Simple as that.
Kind words from my students
Giving Back
Since 2019 Subtle® Yoga has donated over $50,000 in cash and scholarships to help support diversity and equity in the yoga world.
There are so many folks who need your help.

Why delay getting the skills you need to help them with slow, mindful yoga?

And in the comfort of your own home with one of the most innovative, integrative, accomplished yoga teachers around!
The Yoga & Neuroscience Connection
A cutting-edge online course for teachers who want to effortlessly share the neuroscientific benefits of slow, mindful yoga so their students understand the value of what they teach and keep coming back for years to come.
5 leading-edge modules on the connection between yoga & neuroscience
Value: $1,497
4 x 30-minute practice videos
Value: $947
Study guide - 48-pages
Value: $97
CEUs - 12 hours with Yoga Alliance
Value: $47
Course lecture slides
Value: $47
5 short,  friendly quizzes at the end of each module
Value: $47
Bonus #1 - "Subtle Secrets of Pranayama" eBook
Value: $29
Bonus #2 - “Go Slow: Helping Your Students Understand The Science Behind Slow, Mindful Yoga” eBook
Value: $27
Bonus #3 - Yoga and the Neurobiology of Happiness - a cartoon!
Value: $17
5 leading-edge modules on the connection between yoga & neuroscience.
4 x 30-minute practice videos
Study guide - 48-pages
CEUs - 12 hours with Yoga Alliance
Course lecture slides
5 short,  friendly quizzes at the end of each module
Bonus #1 - "Subtle Secrets of Pranayama" eBook
Bonus #2 - “Go Slow: Helping Your Students Understand The Science Behind Slow, Mindful Yoga” eBook
Bonus #3 - Yoga and the Neurobiology of Happiness - a cartoon!
Value: $1,497
Value: $947
Value: $97
Value: $47
Value: $47
Value: $47
Value: $29
Value: $27

Value: $17
Save $100 off the regular price!
Save $100 off the regular price!
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