30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
We have a 30-day money back guarantee policy for all of our online courses. There are no refunds on my membership group, The Subtle® Yoga Resilience Society, under any circumstances.

If you are not 100% satisfied with your online course, email us within 30 days and we'll refund all your money. No questions asked. 

Be aware that if you request a refund it will immediately terminate any and all licenses granted you to use the material provided to you. You shall immediately cease using the material and shall destroy all copies of the information provided to you, including without limitation: video recordings, audio recordings, forms, template documents, slide shows, membership areas, social media groups limited to paying members, and other resources. 

For the particulars on who to contact to request the refund see our full Refund Policy here.
Copyright © 2023  |  Subtle® Health, LLC  |  All Rights Reserved  |  Asheville, NC 28805
30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
We have a 30-day money back guarantee policy for all of our online courses.  There are no refunds on my membership group, The Subtle® Yoga Resilience Society, under any circumstances.

If you are not 100% satisfied with your online course, email us within 30 days and we'll refund all your money. No questions asked. 

Be aware that if you request a refund it will immediately terminate any and all licenses granted you to use the material provided to you. You shall immediately cease using the material and shall destroy all copies of the information provided to you, including without limitation: video recordings, audio recordings, forms, template documents, slide shows, membership areas, social media groups limited to paying members, and other resources. 

For the particulars on who to contact to request the refund see our full Refund Policy here.
Copyright © 2023  |  Subtle® Health, LLC  |  All Rights Reserved  |  Asheville, NC 28805